Capt. And the marvel
Inside of us is this amazing powerful thing. It's almost like magic in its own right. This beautiful every day techna represents that, with an homage to captain marvel. You see we all have inate skills talents ability... magic. And as this little pen came togetherit made me thinkof Saturdays in college. You see mom used to run acompany where she was the photographerfor newbornsat the hospital. And on Saturday I'd go with her, and we'd take care of errands after. It was cool, exceptI had to wait in the waiting room and occupy myself. So I would read comics and try and learn something new. I've always loved magic, both the cardgame and the tricks. And Ifound inhad a skill at card tricks. Just like captain marvel learnedshe had a skill that made her a superhero. Now her magic is different than mine but...Ican't help but wonder about all the magic in the world. Those moments where we find what we're really just great at. Those moments encapsulatedin just such a pen to be recorded and cherished. Loved and respected.